Welcome to my world!!!!

I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the world. Even though some of the content is based in Atlanta i will include some FABULOUS things that all singles can relate to. ENJOY

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Atlanta/ Huntsville, Georgia/Alabama, United States
Sometimes I don't know what to right so I just write what I know...

Friday, November 21, 2008


As I've said before CHARITY WORK is a big part of my life. I've been working very hard on getting members to join my non-profit group , I think when great minds get together for the same cause we can accomplish big things. Even though this has been a struggle for me I still make time to help my community. This year I've decided to work with the Atlanta children Shelter. I went to their website today to see what my project would be this year. On their website they've listed a page of needs under the volunteering page. Here it goes http://www.atlantachildrensshelter.com/volunteer_ops.html. The top project on my list is Toiletry shoebox, they need 100 each year and they hand them out as needed. I plan to rally the troops to donate a box or two because I can't do it all alone. Like I always say use your talents for good and support your community. The web is a great tool to help you coordinate events to help a good cause. Have it as a theme for this years Holiday party . Through these tough economic times everyone feels the burn especially the homeless and hungry. Clean your karma and give back.

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