Ok so yesterday I was watching an episode of THE CITY and in this episode a rumor floats around about Adam one of the many model characters on the show. He supposedly kissed another girl at a party that his girlfriend wasn’t attending. DRAMA, DRAMA, and more DRAMA. I don’t usually blog about my obsession with reality TV. but I have a point. The girls finally meet each other a party …. Long story short the girls confronted each other. SHE TOLD HER THEN SHE TOLD HIM!
LONG STORY even shorter she believed the boyfriend. I’m so annoyed. One thing that I think I have mastered and continue to develop over the years is my BULLSHIT detector. I don’t understand how this girl couldn’t tell that she was being lied to. I don’t know, I maybe wrong or MTV did a great job of making it look like she was being PLAYED… so I’m single and men try to play me on a daily basis. I hear so many old, tired, smelly, did I say old, lines that it’s sickening.
I’m not complaining. At 28 it’s become a bit entertaining. STORY TIME!!!! Just the other day I was getting my STARBUCKS fix on (I finally found a starbucks 30min away from LALA LAND) and looking cute as usual (TOOT, TOOT). This guy approached me, VERY ATTRACTIVE, and started talking about what he did for a living etc, etc and carrying on great convo.
blah blah blah
I gave him my number he saved it no harm done I knew he wasn’t gonna call. 20 min later I get a txt from the guy “hey baby I had a great time with you last night you were amazing” WHAT THE F%^$. OMG this guy just told me that he was single and wasn’t seeing anyone. He must of meant right now. Lol
I said all that to say this DON’T GET PLAYED, REMEMBER his eyes are the window to his um you know where.