Lastnight I was watching The
TYRA BANKS show . The show was about ROCKING YOUR UGLY. Even though parts of the show seemed staged the other parts were pretty good. One segment in particular TYRA had 3 women on stage, they were all different looking women but they had one come problem . Mylandra, Stephanie, and Nicole didn't leave the house or felt comfortable in public unless they had that one thing that made them feel beautiful. Mylandra didn't leave the house with out her hair weave , Stephanie had to have a full face even at the swimming pool and Nicole tanned EVERYDAY. OMG . At first I thought OK so that's a little obsessive but when Tyra introduced a social experiment and I saw how those girls reacted to it I was convinced that this was absolutely real. It got me thinking , what can't I leave the house with out . I couldn't really think of anything until I got up this morning. As I was getting dress I realized that I couldn't find my earrings I searched for about 30min until I found a pair of my huge earring and then I was ready to go. The funny thing is when I got in my car I realize that I had on my house shoes still. Why is it that something so material can make us feel so secure.... ? The point in my opinion that Tyra was trying to get across (IN HER OWN WAY) was that we are all beautiful regardless of our appearance and we should embrace the thing that make us the most insecure so TODAY I decided to ROCK MY ugly and take off the earring because beauty is only skin deep. OK MAYBE TOMORROW.....
Show me how you Rock your ugly. Here's me rocking mine.....
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