Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My favorite Quote....
Carrie: Charlotte, you have a man who will always be there to catch you.
I wish I could find a man strong enough to catch me.
I want my Charlotte Moment....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My good friend Pierre made this for me...... the entire recipe cost about 10 dollars to make but,it made alot of soup .He froze half of it and served the rest with the bread and some Brazilian beer (SOL) YUMMY !!! this was a great dinner in..
Caldo Verde - Portugese Kale and Sausage
8 oz chorizo/chourico or linguica, diced
1 large onion,diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
8 cups chicken stock
1 pound Yukon gold potatoes, diced
1 pound kale (or collard greens) cut into a very fine julienne ( we used collard greens)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Heat 1 tablespoons of olive oil in a large saucepan or Dutch oven,over medium heat. Add the cubes of chorizo and cook until they are lightly browned. Remove the sausage and set aside. Add the diced onion to the rendered fat in the pan with a little salt and cook until they are translucent. Add the garlic and cook until it is fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the stock and potatoes, and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Simmer until the poatoes are
Mash half of the potato in a blender, immersion blender, or potato masher. Add half of the chourico and the julienned greens and simmer for 2 minutes, or until the greens are tender. Top the soup with the remaining cubes of chorizo and serve with bread. ( we stuck the FRENCH BREAD into the oven to get crispy) .
Monday, December 15, 2008
I only paid 15 dollars for all of these.........
Next i went to the house wares and found tea sets..... All 3 for 20
Lastly I found a great new coat for 10.....
FABULOUS!!! What do you think
Friday, December 12, 2008
IVe DEcIDEd.... I like clocks...

Today i decided i am into being in my brother wedding. WHAT HAPPENED!!! well I went to get measured for my dress and try on a few samples..... It was fun playing dress-up at the dress shop... I haven't had to wear a formal dress since my prom and that was 10 yrs ago... ( I like my age).
How do you know when he/she the one.?
I've kissed soooo many frogs and I see alot of what I don't like. I often thought that i have standards that are way to high but I beg to differ. To me being in love is about a feeling you get when you see that person , when they call you ,you get excited and how awesome is it to have someone in your corner no matter what. I can't remember the last time I felt that way....... Oswald sometimes makes me feel like that but I know we aren't meant to be.... Though I wish it so . I have other old frogs that are still in my life and if i could mix them all together in one big froggy stew I would (YUMMY)!!
Is it o.k. that I may be alone forever?
I think that I have come to terms with that. I may not but at this point I have to realize that that could happen.....
I know I'm young,so I think this is just my biological clock posting this blog,
Thanks for listening
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
SEX QUIZ...... Take it if you dare!!

Look at how different the pictures look I like the first one better because she looks so natural. What do you think?
Monday, December 8, 2008

So I finally got this month's Lucky and I'm so excited, even though the issue is alot smaller then the last month. On the cover is Rosarios Dawson ( I absolutely love her!)
Her cover photo is very simple but I'm diggin on her makeup..... usually on the first few pages of they magazine they give the specifics of the shoot , down to the makeup that they used...... I was so happy when I saw the line up and it was make-up that fit right into my budget... I don't spend alot on makeup because I don't wear it everyday..... I was so happy to see this Maybelline line-up because while I was clipping coupons lastnight I saw a CVS add that put all Maybelline products on sale BUY ONE GET ONE FREE .... OMG I'm was definitely due for a makeup fix so I ceased the opportunity.... I only spent 18 dollars on .....
eyeliner pencil
and lipcolor
I think I'm going back for the Concealer hightlight duo and a new eyeshadow...
I'm not a makeup snob so the cheap stuff works for me as long as I get a good deal.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Show me how you Rock your ugly. Here's me rocking mine.....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

It got me thinking about my own one day wedding....... Ok that's enough of that
Untangle those necklaces. Keep those earrings together. Arrange your costume jewelry on a velvet background in a pretty new or antique picture frame with these instructions ( I found some great old looking picture frames and thrift stores)
Jewelry Portrait How-To
1. Have a lumberyard cut a 1-inch-thick piece of Homasote to fit the frame. Cut a piece of cotton velvet 2 inches larger all around. ( Instead of Homasote, I used cork board)
2. Center the Homasote over the velvet, plush side out. Wrap one side of the velvet over the Homasote; secure with a staple gun, 1 inch from the edge. Repeat for remaining sides, and insert into frame. ( i thought about using felt instead of velvet, but the velvet looked much more pretty)
3. Lay out bracelets and necklaces on the velvet; one by one, push hooks into position. Homasote is soft, so earrings can be pushed directly into the velvet.