Welcome to my world!!!!

I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the world. Even though some of the content is based in Atlanta i will include some FABULOUS things that all singles can relate to. ENJOY

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Atlanta/ Huntsville, Georgia/Alabama, United States
Sometimes I don't know what to right so I just write what I know...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just wanna say....

I'm proud to be apart of this historic point in my relationship as a citizen of the united states....... I never thought this would happen sooooo soon. I shared this moment with a few people that I love and I'm so glad to have been apart of it. Obama getting in to office gives ALL Americans hope that we can over come everything we put our mind to. I have more hope that I will achieve all my dreams and aspirations. I so happy and thankful for this OBAMA win and I'm praising GOD for everything he has helped us achieve..
Thanks for listening.....

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